Sep 1Liked by Stacey Morris

Stacey, this was so superbly written and the message so needed and timely, in this divisive political landscape. Thank you for writing it.

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Thank You Mary...It can be so tempting to be pulled into the fray; we all struggle with it. Here's to Peace prevailing. 🕊

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Aug 31Liked by Stacey Morris

Stacey — this was a superb article. Embarrassingly, you described me… in my assumptions and private internal (raging?) response to friends from my past, who I cannot understand their dismissal of “my” chosen team/values … and those of their own.

In short… you brought me up short. Kudos to your Switzerlandian stance, to your deeper values about what we are doing to each other, and to your courage and invitation to call us all out — to be better. 🙏 I deeply appreciate you.

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THANK YOU, so very much for the kind and thoughtful words, Wendy. 🙏🏻. I wasn't always 'Switzerland,' and got pulled into the fray like so many...I may not have spoken a lot of my sentiments, but unkind, judgmental thoughts are equally toxic and I didn't like the direction I was going in so I pulled back. I appreciate your honesty...so many just don't want to go there. Here's to collective healing! Thanks always, for your support. 💖

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Aug 31Liked by Stacey Morris

Very well stated!

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