Sep 13Liked by Stacey Morris

It sad some know that you had to go through this. I will tell you the past 10 plus years, you have inspired me in many ways. I thank you so much for that. Thanks for sharing your experience with this. Iā€™m sure it will help

Many. Keep being you Stacey!!!!ā€™

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Thank You, Noreen. It means so much to know my writing has made a difference to you - it's why I do it! Thanks for your support and kindness. āœšŸ»šŸ¤—.

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Wow. That is powerful and terrible. What a thing to endure. I'm so sorry it happened.

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Thanks, Will. I began the process of picking up the pieces decades ago, but one thing was missing: sharing publicly without shame. Thank God for Substack. šŸ’ŖšŸ¼

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Sep 13Liked by Stacey Morris

This was an important piece to write, especially for your brave beautiful heart and soul.

Bullying was and I believe still is an endemic problem in our culture . It can also occur in adulthood, but at least at that stage of our life we have the maturity to defend ourselves.

Itā€™s so courageous and important to shine the light on this subject and you did so beautifully.

Thank for writing this. āœļø šŸ™ā¤ļøšŸ’”

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Thank You, Mary. Bullying is a horrible societal cancer that we just can't tolerate anymore. I dream of a day when children no longer have to spend their lives recovering from it. šŸ•ŠšŸ™šŸ»šŸ•Š

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Sep 16Liked by Stacey Morris

I understand your wish to tell neighbor-boy exactly how you feel. Stacey. I truly hope you get your wish to face him and verbally wound him to the core.

Though the circumstances are different a certain band teacher, who I thought was ok during my tenure in middle and high school, popped up in several places since my graduation decades ago and took verbal shots at me for reasons unknown.

I haven't seen him in about 20 years but the rage I have doesn't soften. Then, just a few weeks ago, his name popped up in the local newspaper with a mean-spirited letter to the editor (evidently he loves to spew his caustic remarks to others, too). He lives out of state but still seems concerned with the events in this area. All the familiar four-letter words I had for him filled my head again, and now I would enjoy the opportunity to unload on him.

Maybe someday you and I will get the satisfaction we crave. Let's keep each other posted. ;)

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Thanks Meg. It's really ugly to get crap like that from teachers! Clearly, he's a miserable person with no clue about his demons. Hope you get your chance, too! Sounds like he's got it coming.

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Sep 15Liked by Stacey Morris

My heart aches while reading this. I guess that being a ā€˜skinny girlā€™ must have spared me that humiliation which honestly, I donā€™t think I could have handled as such a young child. I have felt the same ache as a parent when one of my children wasnā€™t treated well by one of those horrid people (who, by the way, are still nasty adults;/ ).

I hope that the awe that I (and so, so many people) hold for you as a person and a writer, can help to heal your beautiful heart and soul. Thank you for sharing this deeply personal memory Stacey.šŸ¤

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Thank You, Julie. And I'm glad it's well behind me. The abuse that I suffered not only affected me, but those close to me. I was on the path to becoming one of those horrible people, unloading my suppressed pain on innocent bystanders, including my younger siblings. Fortunately, I had enough of a conscience to get into therapy and turn the ship around. This lecherous dude is lucky I didn't backcharge him a past-due bill for the thousands of dollars I spent repairing myself (given how widespread this issue is in our society, I'm sensing there may be a whole new topic of grievance recovery for ambulance chasing lawyers). šŸ¤”

So sorry to hear one of your children went through something similar. We really need to stop tolerating this as a culture. šŸ™šŸ»šŸ•ŠļøšŸ„²

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Sep 13Liked by Stacey Morris

Thanks for telling the story Stacey, hopefully things are changing (I have my doubts) but if more people spoke up maybe it would help. Keep writing!

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Thank you, Mark! Thanks for your kind words - and here's to speaking up.

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Your willingness to mine painful memories never ceases to impress me. Iā€™m awed, actually. And whoā€™s having the last laugh now? Yeah, you go, girl! šŸ’

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Thank You, Theo! Your empathy and kind words are a hug for my heart! šŸ©·šŸ¤—šŸ©·

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Stacey, I couldnā€™t say it any better than Claire expressed. It just baffles me HOW & WHY kids can be so cruel but also, how you were wise enough to get help to work through it and not continue the madness. Many weaker children would have just given up and taken their own lives šŸ˜­

I admire you greatlyā¤ļø

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